Economic Recovery and Resilience Programme

An initiative that aims to strengthen the private sector in Albania working directly with businesses, central government, municipalities, universities, development partners and other actors.

What is ERR about?

ERR aims to stimulate the Albanian economy working directly with the private sector to implement three successfully tested methodologies – In Motion, the Supplier Development Programme and Growing with Your Business.

The programme is funded by the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Netherlands.

What is the objective of ERR?

ERR aims to strengthen the private sector in Albania working directly with businesses, central government, municipalities, universities, development partners and other actors.

What is "In Motion"?

“In Motion” is an international methodology, developed and successfully applied by UNDP in many countries affected by natural disasters. It seeks to boost productive capacities and broaden market reach for micro and small enterprises by supporting them in innovating traditional business models, improving business infrastructure and strengthening their commercial image. 

The methodology was piloted with 15 micro enterprises in the Municipality of Durrës in the aftermath of the November 2019 earthquake, facilitating their reopening through grants for the purchase of damaged equipment. 

What is the "Supplier Development" Methodology?

The “Supplier Development Methodology” (SDM) is a method of productive chains with a business and social approach, which aims to improve and transform business relationships in a value chain between a lead company (a large or medium-sized enterprise) and its suppliers (micro, small or medium enterprises).

SDM has been designed by UNDP and successfully implemented in twelve countries over a fifteen-year period, proving to work well in basic as well as advanced industrial sectors. International, well-known brands such as Nestlé, Nike, Zara, Bombardier as well as small and medium-sized companies in the food, apparel, footwear, tourism, automotive and agriculture sectors have trusted and worked successfully to improve performance in their value chains through SDM.

What is the "Growing Your Business" Methodology?

It is a business support programme for MSMEs that aims to improve their business management skills, upgrading their capacities to expand their market and integrate more effectively in local value chains. Support is provided through personalized technical assistance and grants to upgrade equipment and commercial image.

The objective of GYB is about increasing capacities among MSMEs to expand their market and create long-term, stable commercial links with regional and international value chains, generating profitability and growth, with a focus on improving resilience and adopting sustainable business practices.

What are the projected outcomes?

Value Chains

Strengthened value chains in selected strategic economic sectors

Recovery and Resilience

Enhanced recovery and resilience capacities for micro and small enterprises

Innovative digital platform

Data and innovative digital platform to inform policy

Reskilling & Upskilling

Reskilling and upskilling programmes for jobseekers and recently laid-off workforce

Accomplishments so far

micro businesses in Durrës have been supported through the“In Motion” methodology in February-September 2020
business consultants have been certified in the “In Motion Methodology”
business consultants are currently being trained in the “Supplier Development Methodology”

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