The Supplier Development Programme kicks off

UNDP presents the launch of the implementation phase

Tirana, 25 November 2021 – UNDP presented the launch of the Supplier’s Development Programme (SDP) implementation phase in an event attended by representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Municipality of Tirana, representatives of Chambers of Commerce, business associations, representatives of the private sector and universities.

The event also marked the finalization of a 6-month training process on the Supplier’s Development Methodology for 11 experienced business consultants. The consultants were trained by an international team of experts with 20 years of experience in the field. The training process included 90 hours of in-class training, 180 hours of online training as well as practical application of the methodology in private companies.

SDP is part of the Economic Recovery and Resilience Programme implemented by UNDP, which in the aftermath of the November 26, 2019 earthquake and the Covid-19 crises, aims to revitalize the Albanian economy by increasing the competitiveness of small and medium-sized businesses and strengthening their resilience capacities.

SDP is an internationally tried and tested approach, which has been successfully implemented by UNDP in various sectors of the economy, in more than 12 different countries, over the last 15 years. Essentially, the program aims to develop the capacities of national suppliers, with the ultimate goal of boosting exports and increasing employment.

Mr. Nuno Queiros, Deputy Resident Representative, delivering his speech. Photo credits: UNDP Albania

The welcoming address in this event was held by UNDP’s Deputy Resident Representative in Albania, Mr. Nuno Queiros. He noted that the Supplier’s Development Programme offers solutions to two current contexts. “Allow me to highlight that this Programme is offering solutions for two types of contexts that we currently find: On the one hand, in the context of recovery from a shock (earthquake and COVID) so that the economy can adapt to the new contexts and the characteristics of demand in better conditions. On the other hand, in the context of ongoing transitioning development through which Albania is going through.” said Mr. Queiros.

As part of the Economic Recovery and Resilience Programme, SDP will contribute to the overall programme objective, that is the revitalization of the Albanian economy. This objective will be achieved by implementing two business strategies supporting MSMEs, that are being brought for the first time in Albania: SDP and In Motion. Ms. Elsa Denaj, the Project Manager of Economic Recovery and Resilience shared the excellent results of the ‘In Motion’ programme, successfully piloted in 15 businesses in the municipality of Durrës immediately after the November 2019 earthquake: “The results of this piloting were clearly a success, and the methodology achieved very good results with microbusinesses by strengthening their stability in the market, diversifying their sales channels, enhancing their management skills and increasing their production capacities through grants for business equipment.”

Ms. Elsa Denaj, ERR Project Manager. Photo credits: UNDP Albania

Since the focus of the event was the presentation of SDP, Ms. Jona Dundo, SDP Coordinator, underlined the potential of the methodology, its well designed structure and the various number of instruments that enable its successful implementation in practice. “These instruments include the UNDP management team for the programme, which will follow its implementation day by day to ensure proper performance. The other instruments include a dedicated online platform that guarantees effective monitoring, and most importantly, the team of business consultants, who have undergone an intensive 6-month training process, during which they also practiced the methodology in real companies in Albania. “- said Ms. Dundo.

Ms. Jona Dundo, Project Specialist of SDP. Photo credits: UNDP Albania

In its concluding remarks, Mr. Eno Ngjela, Programme Specialist for Economic Growth and Employment at UNDP, extended an open invitation to all partners to continue further the communication, stressing the importance of cooperating on new solutions and approaches in support of the private sector in Albania.

Implementation will start with the selection of sectors of the economy as well as specific value chains where the programme will intervene through the instruments of the methodology. The main companies and their suppliers, who will participate in the programme, will embark on a 10-12 months journey during which, with the support of technical assistance from trained consultants, they will focus on capacity building, improving the quality and standards of their products and services, as well as expanding access to national and international markets.

The Supplier’s Development Programme, part of the Economic Recovery and Resilience Project, is funded by the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Netherlands and implemented by UNDP.

If you are interested in becoming a partner or cooperating with UNDP’s Economic Recovery and Resilience Programme please contact us at:

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